The Natal Chart

The aim of the Natal Chart consultation is to gain insight and understanding into your “default” settings and ways of being. 

Recognising and acknowledging your innate gifts, talents and strengths will help build and gain confidence as to how you show up in the world. 

Recognising and acknowledging the more challenging parts of yourself provide an opportunity to take responsibility for your own evolutionary process. 

Both choices bring empowerment within your own unfolding life story.

During the Natal Chart consultation, I share my insight into the combination of planetary energies held within your own personal blueprint which can reveal your greatest potential and your greatest challenges.

The Witches Broom Nebula

The Natal Chart & Forecast

This consultation is an extension of a Natal Chart reading which will also include chart progression and current Astrological transits.


A further method of Astrological delineation is progressing a Natal Chart to your current age and stage in life, by engaging Secondary Progressions and/or Solar Arc Progressions. Both methods of Progression offer a dynamic display of the horoscope in action.

The Sun’s rate of motion is calculated and applied, by degree, to the Natal Chart equating a day of motion to one year of life. The difference between the techniques is how this degree of motion is applied to the other planetary bodies. Both methods provide valuable information.

Your Natal Chart will always be your Astrological blueprint but by progressing your chart to the here and now, can offer a greater perspective into the evolution of personality.

Astrological Transits

All planetary bodies are in constant motion as they orbit the Sun. From our own geographical location upon the earth, we can observe and endeavour to delineate their position and the relational aspects they form with each other, from this viewpoint.

 A transit basically means when one object crosses another in space. Each planet has a different rate of orbit so faster moving planets will meet those with slower movement at various intervals. These cyclic events have been occurring since the creation of our solar system.

Planetary positions can be mapped at any moment. When planets come into certain aspects (by degree) with each other, the astrologer will examine relationship patterns and endeavour to forecast energetic trends that can result from these cosmic encounters.

The combination of planetary energies will affect life as a whole and can be relevant when notable events occur.

When booking a consultation which includes planetary transit reference, I will offer my Astrological and Cosmobiological insight into how these planetary motions may impact you personally, as they transit your Natal Chart. These energetic trends can trigger personality traits and have influence upon events arising in one’s life.

Astrological Forecasting

This consultation is intended for returning clients or those who already have a good understanding of their Natal Chart.

An Astrological Forecast consultation is one where I will look at the planetary positions and transits for either the next 3, 6, or 12 months and advise the client of the possible impact upon their birth and progressed charts.

Some planetary transits will present challenges for the individual, whilst others hold the gift of opportunity. I can advise which areas of their chart will carry the weight of the planet(s) in transit, either by house position or contact with their natal planets and points. From there we can discuss how this period can be managed, remembering the aspects of their personality that will either assist or hinder them in the process.

I believe that KNOWLEDGE is POWER. Bringing awareness to what lies ahead can empower the individual to make their own choices moving forward.


What is a planetary transit?

All planetary bodies are in constant motion as they orbit the Sun. From our own geographical location upon the earth, we can observe and endeavour to delineate their position and the relational aspects they form with each other, from this viewpoint.

A transit basically means when one object crosses another in space. Each planet has a different rate of orbit so faster moving planets will meet those with slower movement at various intervals. These cyclic events have been occurring since the creation of our solar system.

Planetary positions can be mapped at any moment. When planets come into certain aspects (by degree) with each other, the astrologer will examine relationship patterns and endeavour to forecast energetic trends that can result from these cosmic encounters.

The combination of planetary energies will affect life as a whole and can be relevant when notable events occur.

Solar Return Chart

We are part of the rhythmic cycles of life and together with the Earth, embark on a yearly journey around the Sun. As we travel within this orbit there is a constant, everchanging flow of moments when the Earth and Sun find themselves at particular, positional points in their relationship. 

The Solar Return Chart is created for one of those moments, when the Sun returns to the exact position (by degree and minutes) of celestial longitude it held at the time of your birth.  The Solar Return is a personal, annual event that varies from year to year, occurring on your birthday or a day either side.

Astrologically, the Sun represents the expressive self, vital energy levels, drives and motivations. The Solar Return chart can indicate the Sun’s potential and whether it will be strengthened or impeded during the year

During the Solar Return Consultation, I will provide Astrological information about the theme of your new year, helping to guide you through the next twelve months of your life.

Relationship Chart

Whenever two people enter into a relationship, a whole new dynamic of interplay and events is created. 

The relationship is like a dance where the choreography is unconsciously created by the two parties involved. The steps within this dance can hold synchronicity and passion, fluidity and grace. The steps can also trip us up, be difficult to master, require new levels of self-discipline or push against the boundaries and expectations we place upon ourselves and others.

The Relationship Chart can be created for the many forms of this dynamic, whether it be between friends, lovers, family and more. A good understanding of your own dynamic self (through your Natal Chart) is helpful before exploring that of a relationship.

The Relationship Chart is recommended for returning clients or those within the relationship who each have a good understanding of their own Natal Charts.

Astrology with Friends

If you’re a little curious about your Astrological blue-print and would like a sneak peek at your Natal/Birth chart, here’s a fun way to do so in the company of friends.

Astrology with Friends is an ideal introduction into the language of Astrology which reveals the uniqueness of ourselves.

Astrology with Friends is open to groups of 2-6 people, either in person or online. Each participant will receive a copy of their Natal Chart and a private 20-minute consultation with me to discuss the personal points of their chart, being the Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun and Moon by sign and house placement. There maybe even be some time for a bit of Q&A afterwards.

What better way to spend an afternoon or evening with friends, and if there’s food involved, I have a fun “Zodiac Guide to Snacking” that I can send through to the host beforehand.